Trying out some lighting with my most reliable model


So, because all my friends are too chicken to pose for me, I decided I’d have to do a bit of tethered shooting to try some lighting out. This is a first time I’ve used EOS Capture on the Mac, and it’s quite workable. Pretty good, even, if I wanted to get effusive.

All these shots are variations on two 285HVs into silver umbrellas, one on each side, except for the obvious gelled background shot. Triggers are Gadget Infinity originals, which for the price you can’t argue with, but now I’ve got Pocket Wizards so I can combine my reliable model with reliable triggers.

Photo A Day: Barking Mad!

I’m sooo way behind on my Photo A Day, but here’s today’s. There are shots for the missing days, but I’ve not able to do any editing while I’m away from my desk for the last couple of weeks… some catching up to do.

Domipix change-over

The main domain has now been changed to host the blog previously at The photos that were previously at will be integrated into a new section of this site. [All content is available at pbase.]